I think I’ll try again in a week or so. Maybe I should ask someone to help me apply the bleach. I kinda just slathered it on my head and maybe that is why it didn’t take as much as I had hoped. It is nice that I’m finally feeling up to doing this. For so long I wanted to dye my hair fun colors. Not just sections or streaks. The whole thing. But I kept worrying about jobs, wrecking my hair, and not fitting in. Now that it’s done I realize people can care less. If I apply for a job and they say my hair is a problem, I can always change it back or keep looking for a new job. If I don’t fit in with groups of people then I’ll just look for a new group. If I fry my hair, it’ll grow back. No point in worrying about things you can deal with, ya know? While I can type all these things it feels like it took me a really long time to get to this mindset. It’s like figuring out a little piece of myself. Next step, getting back to the gym or canceling my membership. What to do…